Suggestions - You will always be heard, so let me know!

Suggestions: A set amount of constructive feedback for improvement!

The goal is soul guidance & meditation is to gradually grow and improve, thanks, in part, to your suggestions. We can all have great ideas, and thanks to them, this page has been born. But it would be foolish not to accept and listen to external suggestions. In fact, thanks to some of your suggestions, This page is the way it is today. Especially when it comes to suggesting new entries, things that you like to tell you. And for that, this section.

If you are more of a listener, here are a couple of videos that explain all. Otherwise, continue reading!

As you can see, it is quite simple to send suggestions.

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A single suggestion can bring astronomical changes

I invite you to share any suggestions you might have, anything that comes to your mind and you would love to see, stuff like:

  • A topic for a Guided Meditation, besides available ones.
  • Topics about Courses you would love me to create.
  • Maybe, there is something specific you would like for me to talk about in a Blog entry.
  • Technical Suggestions (would you add something, remove something.) If you have any difficulties using this site (please, mention what device you are using), you are welcome to share what is going on.
  • Payment methods: What payment methods would you like to see in addition to what is available?
  • Anything that you feel like sharing!

Write Suggestion in Form Box!

Basically, it is as simple as you saw!

Just fill out the form below, and I will treasure your suggestions! Please be sure to send me a clear message with an appropriate email address (be sure to double-check), so I can contact you as soon as possible and study your suggestions since every single one is taken into consideration:

Suggestion Form

By the way, another way to contact Fernando. You might find me on social networks. You will find the links on this page; however, I strongly recommend contacting me with the previous form or by e-mail if you need a quick answer.

Meanwhile, I invite you to visit the blog since you may find the answer to many of your questions (this page has a search engine to make it easier for you.) A more pleasant wait after contacting me. You may find some of your suggestions fulfilled. I’ll give you a few links that you might enjoy:

These are a few, but you will find others that interest you as you begin to read an entry. But you can undoubtedly contact Fernando if you need it!

(Suggestions) Love and Light (Home)

Rev. Fernando Albert

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